Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I'm not ready for a full reveal yet...but the office is coming along!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Etsy Find

Holy awesomeness. I ran across illustrator, Marisa Seguin, while browsing pinterest and it lead me to her etsy shop where she sells her amazing illustrations. You know those items you see online and there really isn't much hesitation to click "purchase"? Yeah that was me when I got a load of these. Paris is on its way to me...I am contemplating Venice.

Sacre Coeur Illustration, 12" x 12", Digital Print

Illustrated Vancouver Map, 24" x 30", Digital Print

Illustrated San Francisco Map, 24" x 30", Digital Print

Illustrated Venice Map, 16" x 20", Digital Print

Illustrated Paris Map, 16" x 20", Digital Print

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Finished DIY

I finished the paper backing project for my china cabinet and it turned out so much better than I had hoped! The paper is really lovely and it all went up surprisingly easily. I ended up using the uGlu that I posted about and it worked nicely. We'll see if it is as easy to take down as they say it is. Here is the finished result.

I would tell you the steps to how I did it, but it was really just put on the glue strips and tack it up. That easy! 

Monday, January 21, 2013

An Easy Fix-It for Painted Brass

I found a pair of these federal style sconces at a flea market, but someone had ruined them by painting them white! I knew there was fantastic brass under there and I almost walked away (I HATE stripping paint) until my antiquing partner in crime, Liz, told me about this fantastic way to remove old paint.

Enter the crock pot. 

She pointed me to this web page and a few hours of simmering later later I had this!

Amazing right? The paint just peeled off!  I will never pass up painted brass again (unless it doesn't fit in the crock pot).

note: I would use an old crock pot or be sure to line the pot you have with those slow cooker liners to make sure it doesn't ruin it. Mine came out fine.

another note: Visit said antiquing friend Liz's website for fantastic antique rentals (for you Birmingham folks)! www.cameovintagerentals.com

Friday, January 18, 2013

Side Project

I got this cute little antique chair at an estate sale a while ago for $15. Yeah $15. It has a bad paint job and a not so great pink seat. I am finally going to get around to doing something to it. I have a remnant of Duralee's Music Tree Toile that I scored on ebay and it is the perfect amount for the seat.

I think I may go green with the paint. Something like this...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

China Cabinet Paper

So I wrote about this paper store forevverrrr ago in this post and I finally got around to ordering some for the back of my china cabinet. I decided to go with this marbled style. It reminds me of all the agate pattern stuff that is so hot right now.

Marbled Paper
Just for reference, here is where it will be going...the back of the glassed in part.

It isn't a huge area to cover so I was able to get away with only getting 4 sheets of paper (they are nicely oversized at 24"x36" so that helps). I spent around $30, not bad for what I hope to be an awesome result. I haven't totally decided on how I am going to attach it. I don't want it to be really permanent...I have heard good things about this stuff...

product image

We'll see.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Happiness is an Old Persian Rug

Weeee! Look what's on it's way to me! Thanks to a bangin' deal on esalerugs.com this antique awesomeness is en route to my kitchen. Seriously, go there now. Their prices on persian rugs are bananas and they show you, like, 20 photos of the rug and they have a great return policy and they run super deals all the time. What's not to love?

3' 0 x 7' 8 Peach Koliaei Area Rug

Also, I wrote this post yesterday because today I am on my way to Atlanta*. The main purpose of the trip is Ikea (ugh...I hate going there...but I found a great idea for the new office!) and I'm planning on squeezing in a little Pieces visit and perhaps an antique store or three. Happy Monday everyone!

*update: Thanks to crappy weather, no Atlanta trip today. Huge bummer. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Sweetest Thing...

I wanted to share this nursery design board I did for a client. There is nothing like welcoming a sweet baby into a lovely room made just for them. We kept it gender neutral (even though it's a girl! yay!) so down the line the room can be used again for a baby (maybe??) or as a starting point for an extra guest room. I love all the soft creams and grays and shut the front door with the Sharon Montrose baby animal photographs. They are killing me softly. Happy Friday loves!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Deep Thoughts

I received Nate Berkus' book "The Things that Matter" for Christmas this year (someone DOES read my blog!) and I was so happy to dive into it this past weekend. I came away from it knowing 2 things, first, Nate and I must have been separated at birth, and second, he has an incredible story to tell. About the second thing first (huh)...I had no idea that Nate was with his partner in Sri Lanka when the tsunami hit the day after Christmas a few years ago and that he survived (barely..the story is amazing) but his partner was swept away and was never seen again. How heart wrenchingly sad. 
But on a lighter note, I had always wanted someone to validate my serious love of collecting things (hoarding??), of antique stores, of thrift stores and yard sales. I have always been drawn to objects that are a little weird but remind me of a certain place, feeling, or time that I have experienced. I see that little painting or brass object or book and I am immediately taken to that place. It's such a wonderful comfort for me, to be surrounded by things that make me happy. Nate Berkus also has this disease. It's nice to know I'm in good company.

This quote from his book sums it all up...

"For me, the most successful interiors in the world are put together by people who surround themselves with objects that bring them joy, and make them feel really at home."


Collector much? Who else out there has the disease?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Project!

Oh man do I love a new house project. The hubby has officially moved his office into our finished basement in order to "have my stuff how I like it". Since the office is on the main floor with glass french doors, he had certain design and organizational rules to follow. He was not a fan. So off he went.

Of course any marriage is a partnership so I conceded on a few things in there. Hence the 8 foot long sailfish on the wall. Ok I caught it too and I kind of liked looking at it from time to time and basking in   my glory. But alas he is leaving also and I am moving in! Which means I get to do whatever I want. Yahtzee!

Here is the office as it sits right now....


Desk and lamps are staying...curtains are going. Navy wall color is most likely staying. Leopard rug that is covered by a pile of junk is staying. So where am i going to go with this?? No idea really. Here are a few photos I have for inspiration....

One thing that is for SURE going to happen is a pair of gold etageres like the ones above. And I love the look of lighter wood against the dark wall. So stick with me on this office journey won't you? I'll post progress as it begins to happen...hopefully sooner rather than later.

Monday, January 7, 2013


That was a crazy few weeks for us. Between the holidays, client projects, and the sickness (don't even get me started...it was horrible), I decided to take on the task of finally finishing the little one's big girl room. Because I am a glutton for punishment, apparently. I am in love with the way it turned out and I'm hoping I don't have to do it again for a long time. Ha. I am still waiting on a few pillows and a bookcase but I wanted to share a sneak peek with you all....

Right? So. cute.

I'll be back with full details and more photos! And because I have been gone for so long..Merry Christmas and Happy 2013!