Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New House Files: A Design Board Already?

Yes. This is probably jumping the gun a bit, but I couldn't help myself. I'm sure you all have seen the photos of Peter Dunham's home making the blog rounds. I'm just as much a sucker for it as everyone else. The walls! The fabrics! It's all so delightful. So then of course I wanted to do this myself, and what better recipient of this awesomeness than my 4 year old. Yes, the house is still just a schematic on paper, but my brain is already decorating. I am into this so hard that I bought those curtains on Monday (sadly the 96" panels are now sold out). And I don't even know the layout of her room. Crazy?Probably.

The inspiration:

To lend softness to the living room, he used a milk-paint formula from SafePaint on the walls — White with 10 percent Barn Red

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