Thursday, July 25, 2013

Design Board: Dining in Blues and Greens

I did these design boards for a client's dining room (their other board is here). Again, as with the family room, the furniture was existing and all that was needed were the finishing touches. Goodness knows I love a pair of ginger jars and a fig tree or two.

If you are interested in a design board, shoot me an email!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

New Goodies!

New things coming to the Etsy store! Keep an eye out for them this week!

I'm not joking when I say that ice bucket is bananas.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Beach Week

Last week (all week!) we were vacaying it in Rosemary Beach, Florida. Not much was accomplished besides swimming, eating, and lounging. A good time was had by all, at least according to my Instagram.

On the way, we stopped by the family farm for a bit. 
The little one loves it there so we obliged her.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Happy, Pretty Friday

Hi all! I'm off for a week of sun, sand, and fruity drinks. I'll leave you with a few images of this crazy good apartment from the fantastic August issue of House Beautiful.

acrylic coffee table

I'll be back in a week, hopefully with a savage tan.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Things I wish would go away already...

Trends. Love 'em, then 6 months later...hate 'em. I am kinda wishing these things would disappear already.
Enough with the sheer overlays.

Mustache Mug
Things with mustaches.

Wedge sneakers. I hope they die a painful death.

High-Low hems. It's the mullet of dresses. I never got it.
 I do, however, enjoy the shirt version of this...just not too extreme.
I may get hate mail for this. Sorry, over it.
Shoulderless tops. Just commit to a tank top or a t-shirt.

Whew, that felt good. Have I offended anyone? I hope not. Totally just my opinion. Feel free to make me put my feet up on your chevron ottoman while you serve me diet coke in your sheer overlay maxi dress. Just know I am silently judging you. Kidding. Maybe.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Red, White, & Awesome

Oh, America. Happy Birthday.

To celebrate, I've thrown together a few of my favorite patriotic items. I'm not one to usually gravitate towards anything red or blue, but I would happily own everything on this list. Have a wonderful holiday everyone!

Pillow /  Tray / Beach TowelTote / Swimsuit (on sale!) 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Summertime, and the Livin' is Easy....

...and hot. Summer is always hectic around here so blog posts always suffer. Sorry about that friends. I'm hoping to get my act together and post a little more regularly.

I tend to have a "uniform" for the summer months because it just makes dressing easier. And because it's kind of too hot to worry about it too much. Here are a few things in heavy rotation...

maxi dress (such a steal!) / T Shirt / necklace / swimsuit